Thursday, October 22, 2015

The A Key

My A key has been giving me so much trouble for the past few months. Hell, my whole computer has been trying to kill my cool. Obviously it’s not my computer’s fault if I lose my cool. It’s my own fault. Two months ago, I bought a new charger. I electrocuted myself charging it for the first time in my house. It was a minor electrocution. I buzzed for only a second. I’m okay. The guy who sold me the charger said the charger was legit. Indonesia is known for its replications, but I wanted to believe the guy. I really had no other option, so I just learned how to not electrocute myself again.

I’m currently working on my graduate school application essays, so I need a lot of concentration on the computer. Microsoft Word will be my best friend for the next few months. All of a sudden, the A keyaa starts to malfunction. That key hasn’t been working for the past few months, so I’ve just been copying and pasting that one letter hundreds of times a day. I told a fellow volunteer, “It’s good it’s not a more used key like E or something.” She responds, “But it’s still a major letter.” We both agreed it should’ve been the Q key. I wouldn’t mind at all if it were Q.

Anyway, the past few weeks As have been appearing on my Word documents. It was surprising. I thought the same ghost that’s possessed the students at my school got a hold of my computer. My computer is possessed now. It makes concentrating really difficult because I know at any time As will join me on my exploration of why I’d make a good candidate for San Jose State University’s Speech-Language Pathology graduate program. How in the world am I supposed to focus when I think I’daaaaaaaaaa baaaaaaaaaae aaaa good candidaaaaaaaaaate for this gradaaaaaaaaaaaauate program becauseaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaI’m very oaaaaaaaaarganized and effaaaaaaaaaaaaective in aaaaaaaaaaawhaaaaat I daaaaaaaaoaaaaaa?

It’s not working for meaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

aI never thought Peace Corps challenges would get at me from inside my safe space. My computer is where I’m most comfortable. I like expressing myself through my blogs. At my computer is where I reflect on my problems from the outside world.aaaaaaaaaa I usually feel safe when I reflect. I reflect only when I know I can’t be hurt. It’s genius to get me when I’m most vulnerable. Good one, Peace Corps.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa But okay. Do your worst. It’s only going to make me stronger.aaaaaaaaaaa

I also could just get my keyboard fixed, but after that tiny electrocution, I reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally don’t want to take aaaaaaanymore chances with my physical health. Mental challenges, okay. But I have a lowaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa physical pain threshold.

I guess I just have to adda thaea backspace button to my list of best friends this year.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Damn it!aaaa

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